Parents Introduction to Learning Challenges
What can I do?
Learning disabilities or challenges, such as autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, are usually due to a combination of normal genes and interactions with the environment.
What they have in common is:
- Can and do get better with integrated intervention.
- More genes that increase sensitivity to toxic and infectious insults.
- In ADHD and ASD mother and child both have more vulnerability genes
- Have specific patterns of medical issues, when reduced leads to a reduction of symptoms.
- More often from families of leaders, entrepreneurs, physicians, engineers and scientists. In ASD, 12.5% of fathers and 21.2% of the grandfathers are engineers.
- Involvement of multiple genes.
- Shared symptoms and high co-morbidity. If diagnosed with one, 50% chance of diagnosis of another.
- American Pediatric Association admits destroyed researcher careers in the autism-vaccine linkage has restricted cause pronouncements where special interest groups are involved.