4myLearn Sitemap


Kindergarten Reading Curriculum

Fun and Games

Brain Cardio Game Classics: Battleship, Checkers, Chinese Checkers, Concentration (Face, Emotion), Sudoku, Sudoku for Beginners (4x4), Sudoku Jr (6x6), Snakes & Ladders, Tick Tac Toe, Yahtz 'A Dice, Picture Challenges:
, , , Concentration Challenges: , ,
Letter Sound Songs and Alpha Animals
Learn to print Small Letters, Capital Letters, and Numbers animations.
Bookshelf of Read-Along Books
Beatrix Potter Classics Read-Along Books
Bookshelf of Sing-Along Songbooks
Read-Along Math Rap Songs
Tell-Me-A-Story Picture Books for Creative Thinking and Writing
About Face - Games for People with Face Blindness, Prosopagnosia.
I Know How You Feel - Games for People with Emotion Blindness, Alexithymia.


What do we now know about the brain, in a nutshell?
Dopamine friendly diet and lifestyle.
Oxytocin friendly lifestyle.
GABA friendly diet and lifestyle.
What do we now know about learning, in a nutshell?
What do we now know about the US education system, in a nutshell?

Skills for the 21st Century

Different Brains, Different Learning
Learning Challenge Model and Effective Intervention
Brains Reading and Writing
Brains Doing Math
Brains Being Social
Brains With Self-control

What to do about it: A call to action!
Restrict School Usage of Restraints and Abolish Seclusion
What do kids need to succeed? Developmental assets which build character and security.
Educational Power Tools

National Education Standards
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Common Core State Standards for Math
Next Generation Science Standards
College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards

Introduction to Neurobiology
Thinking and Learning Styles
Multisensory Teaching
Visual Literacy
US School System
Technology and Ongoing Research

Fun and Games