Wheel of Life

4myLearn Curriculum

Example: Kindergarten English Language Arts (ELA)

4myLearn is a community dedicated to helping children (and parents and teachers) reach their potential using knowledge of neurodiversity, the spectrum of neuro-architectures. Many of these children are currently labeled learning disabled or struggle with 20th Century teaching approaches. We use artificial intelligence (AI) technology and exceptional research-based techniques to provide multisensory child-centered education for all kids.

Word Wizard

Please enjoy our brain cardio games and activities found on our Fun and Games pages while we are busy finishing the development of our equal visual and verbal curriculum.

Essentials of natural (reading and writing), analytical (math), and social language are integrated into every subject. National standards define the key concepts and ways of thinking that must be taught. The child’s needs and interests determine how it is taught.

We function as a not for profit Curriculum Consortium, but do not have that label. We will continue our work with minor donations for our curriculum. The donation is a token payment of $15 per monthly download. Instead of the donation, the family can contribute toward further curriculum development or research support, so all children can benefit.

We are currently looking for Beta testers.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us by email.