Touch |
Overreactive |
Avoider |
As an infant, did/does not like to be held or cuddled; may arch back, cry, and pull away. |
Avoids selected textures in clothing selection. |
Distressed when diaper is being, or needs to be, changed . |
Avoids touching certain textures of material (blankets, rugs, stuffed animals) . |
Bothered by clothes: certain materials, tags, seams, pantyhose, ties, belts, turtlenecks. |
May want to wear long sleeve shirts and long pants year round to avoid having skin exposed . |
Bothered by rough bed sheets (i.e., if old and "bumpy") . |
Refuses to wear new or stiff clothes, clothes with rough textures, turtlenecks, jeans, hats, or belts, etc. . |
Distressed by clothes rubbing on skin; may want to wear shorts and short sleeves year round, toddlers May prefer to be naked and pull diapers and clothes off constantly . |
Avoids crowds and hides, disappears, or acts out when guests come over. |
Prefers to wear clothes that totally cover the body or no clothing at all. |
Avoids group situations for fear of the unexpected touch . |
Pulls at hats and accessories. |
Avoid touching anything messy. |
Appears fearful of, or avoids standing in close proximity to other people, especially in lines. |
Avoids art activities like painting or playdoh. |
Overly exited/aroused when people come to the house or when in crowded places. |
Avoids messy activities (mud, sand). |
Bothered by hands or face being dirty. |
Avoids/dislikes/aversive to "messy play", i.e., sand, mud, water, glue, glitter, playdoh, slime, shaving cream/funny foam etc. . |
Complains about tape or glue on skin. |
Avoids/refuses stickers/fake tattoos. |
Dislikes being dirty. |
Dislikes kisses, will "wipe off" place where kissed . |
Distressed about having hair, toenails, or fingernails cut . |
May avoid putting hands in sand, finger paint, glue and other “messy” activities. |
Hate the feeling of being dirty or sticky, may wash hands or body excessively |
Pushes washcloth/towel away. |
Responds with alarm when face/body is washed. |
Washes hands constantly and/or only touches things through fabric or with fingertips. |
Rigid rituals in personal hygiene. |
Avoids walking barefoot/crawling on surfaces such as sand, rugs, or grass. |
Hates to be barefoot or hates to wear shoes and/or socks. |
May walk on toes only. |
Sand at the beach is irritating. |
Walks on toes. |
Difficulty eating foods with mixed textures, or one particular texture. |
Won’t wear shoes (or prefers only one shoe type). |
Difficulty trying new foods, and changing from set meal plans |
Is a picky eater, only eating certain tastes and textures; mixed textures tend to be avoided as well as hot or cold foods; resists trying new foods . |
Picky eater, distressed by certain tastes and textures of food, and may hate mixing foods and textures |
Avoids haircuts, hair washing. |
Inability to tolerate temperature extremes in foods |
Resists brushing teeth and is extremely fearful of the dentist . |
Overactive gag reflex |
Avoids touch (not a ‘huggy’ or ‘cuddly’ kid) |
Complains about having hair brushed; may be very picky about using a particular brush. |
Avoids using hands for play . |
Cries when hair is washed and dried. |
Defensive about others touching body. |
Difficulty with getting hair cuts |
Reacts emotionally or aggressively to touch. |
Difficulty brushing teeth (toothpaste may burn) |
Resists friendly or affectionate touch from anyone besides parents or siblings (and sometimes them too!) . |
Extremely negative about dental work. |
Frequently rub skin firmly after it is exposed to light touch |
Difficulty handling changes or extremes in outside temperature |
A raindrop, water from the shower, or wind blowing on the skin may feel like torture and produce adverse and avoidance reactions . |
Difficulty washing face or body, being splashed, or adjusting to cold or hot water temperatures |
Becomes fearful, anxious or aggressive with light or unexpected touch, when touched from behind or by someone/something they can not see (such as under a blanket). |
Dislikes physical touching, especially light touch or gentle caress. |
Distressed by others touching, especially light touch or gentle caress. Would rather be the "toucher" than the "touchee". May not like being hugged. |
If touch perceived as a threat they may act with physical or verbal aggression. |
May have poor social relationships. |
Prefers hugs to light touch. |
React extremely or even violently when being touched. |
May overreact to minor cuts, scrapes, and or bug bites . |
Very sensitive to pain. |