Internal Body |
Overreactive |
Avoider |
Respiration too fast for the appropriate state of arousal. |
May frequently go to the bathroom to avoid the sensation of a full bladder |
Over sensitive to the sensations of hunger and thirst. |
May overeat to avoid hunger sensations, which may feel painful to you |
Over sensitive to bowel and bladder sensations. |
Overly agitated by body heat |
Distressed by hunger, thirst, bladder or bowel sensations |
Distressed by a pounding heartbeat or by the movement of the lungs while breathing |
Internal Body |
Underreactive |
Seeking |
Difficulty falling asleep or getting on a sleep schedule. |
May crave the sensations of hunger, thirst, or a full bladder. |
Difficulty waking up in the morning, may not even notice alarm clock. |
May often overeat. |
Heart rate issues, including: unnecessary speeding, not slowing down when at rest, or not speeding up for tasks that require a higher heart rate. |
May not eat or use restroom as the feeling of needing to do these is enjoyed. |
Respiration too slow for the appropriate state of arousal. |
Crave a pounding heartbeat or fast breathing. |
Difficulty with potty training; does not seem to know when he/she has to go (i.e., cannot feel the necessary sensation that bowel or bladder are full). |
Has/had chronic bed wetting issues. |
Internal Body |
Poor Perception and/or Discrimination |
Unable to regulate thirst; always thirsty, never thirsty, or oscillates back and forth. |
Unable to regulate hunger; eats all the time, won't eat at all, unable to feel full/hungry,will be "starving" one minute then full two bites later, then back to hungry again (prone to eating disorders and/or failure to thrive). |
Severe/several mood swings throughout the day (angry to happy in short periods of time, perhaps without visible cause). |
Unpredictable state of arousal or inability to control arousal level (hyper to lethargic, quickly, vacillating between the two; over stimulated to under stimulated, within hours or days, depending on activity and setting, etc.). |
Frequent constipation or diarrhea, or mixed during the same day or over a few days. |
Irregular, inconsistent bowel, bladder and appetite sensations. |
Difficulty with temperature regulation of body. |
Becoming too hot or too cold sooner than others in the same environments; may not appear to ever get cold/hot, May not be able to maintain body temperature effectively. |
Difficulty in extreme temperatures or going from one extreme to another (i.e., winter, summer, going from air Conditioning to outside heat, a heated house to the cold outside). |
Respiration that is too fast, too slow, or cannot switch from one to the other easily as the body demands an appropriate respiratory response. |
Heart rate that speeds up or slows down too fast or too slow based on the demands imposed on it. |
Respiration and heart rate that takes longer than what is expected to slow down during or after exertion or fear. |